Media System Company s.r.l.

Via Povigliano 11  -  10030 Vestigne' ( To ) Italy      Tel. 0125 677020 - 0125 677021  -  Fax 0125 677022


DUPLICATORI USB-FD-CF-SD-MMC             home.gif (6807 byte)     



Usb Pen Drive Duplicator

16-32-64 Slaves



Duplikey16, 32 or 64 is a FlashRom USB keys duplicator
They can copy files and folders in a multitasks environment.
Macintosh (Mac OS X 10) and Windows XP NTFS compatible.

Software product offers following features:
- Duplicating from 16 to 64 USB Keys from 32 MB to 2 GB of data,
- Multitasks duplication for all USB Keys at the same time
- Audio signal at the end of copy
- Selecting file or folder through dialog or Drag&Drop
- Selecting a folder itself with its content, or only items inside this folder
- Adding items in a media without deleting previous content (folders or files)
- Formating keys manually (before copying) and automatically (during copy job)
- Checking 16 to 64 connected USB Key and their content
- Managing copy series, with number of medias to be copied and number of duplicated medias
- Complete errors management: the sofware immediately displays error code when:
    a/ One or several USB Keys become unavailable (untimely unmounted, bad connection,
        hardware failure, power cut) during copy job
    b/ One or several USB Keys are write-protected by a Lock switch
    c/ One or several USB Keys are full (no more space availlable), or files with same name already exist
- Flashing the blinking LED of one or several USB Keys, for example to find which one is in failure,
- Very fast copy on the USB Keys
- Possibility to compare duplicated USB Keys or Memories ((if you accidentally duplicated several Keys with different
  sources, in order to sort them, or to get  an additional level of certification for a special copy job, when customer
  specifications impose it on you).

Hardware product implements following features:
- 4 hubs with 4 connectors spaced out enough to connect 23 mm (± 0,9") maximal width keys
- All these hubs are totally independent one of the others offering more reliability
- Every Hub has Power On and In Use indicator lights
- Every connected media on one hub has an In Use indicator light
- Every Hub is auto powered, enabling you to use USB Keys with a very high level of electrical
  power consumption (250 watts power supply)
- USB 1.1 and 2.0 compatibility (1.0 not tested)
- Including one Fast USB PCI card, with 360Mb/min transfert rate.
  Card to be inserted in PC or Macintosh, in order to connect every DUPLIMEMORY.
This efficient set will allow you to get a very fast profitability on your investment and to save a lot of time in
USB Keys  duplication. No market competitor, today !
Does only work with connected towers and with our PCI USB card. On PC
Boot Disk necessarly in NTFS format, under Windows XP
Compatible with Mac OS X, as well.




Usb Pen - Compact Flash - Memory Card Duplicator

4-8-16-24-32 Slaves


DupliMemory 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32 are USB Keys duplicators as well as FlashRom Memory Cards such as:
CF1, CF2, Extreme CF, Extreme III CF, Ultra II CF, HS CF,
MD MicroDrive, MS Memory Stick, MS DUO, MS MagicGate, MS MagiGate PRO, MS MagiGate DUO,
MS MagicGate PRO DUO, Extreme MS PRO,
Extreme Memory stick pro, Extreme III MS PRO,
HS MS MagiGate PRO, HS MS MagiGate PRO DUO, MS ROM, MS Select,
SD Secure Digital, Mini SD, Extreme SD, Extreme III SD, ultra II SD,
MMC 1, MMC 2, MMC 4.0, RS MMC Reduced-Size MultiMediaCard,
HS RS MMC, SM Smart Media, XD picture card, T-Flash TransFlash.
They can copy files and folders in a multitasks environment. Macintosh (Mac OS X 10) and Windows XP NTFS compatible.

Software product offers following features:
- Duplicating from 8 to 32 USB Keys or Memory Cards simultaneously (according to configuration)
  and copying from 32 MB to 2 GB of data,
- Multitasks duplication for all USB Keys or FlashRom Memory Cards
- Audio signal at the end of copy
- Selecting file or folder through dialog or Drag&Drop
- Selecting a folder itself with its content, or only items inside this folder
- Adding items in a media without deleting previous content (folders or files)
- Checking 8 to 32 mounted medias and their content
- Managing copy series, with number of medias to be copied and number of duplicated medias
- Complete errors management: the sofware immediately displays error code when:
    a/ One or several USB Keys or Memory Cards become unavailable (untimely unmounted, bad connection,
        hardware failure, power cut) during copy job
    b/ One or several USB Keys or Memory Cards are write-protected by a Lock switch
    c/ One or several USB Keys or Memory Cards are full (no more space availlable), or files with same name already exist
- Flashing the blinking LED of one or several USB Keys or Memory Cards, for example to find which one is in failure,
- Very fast copy on the Memory Cards
- Possibility to compare duplicated USB Keys or Memories ((if you accidentally duplicated several medias with different
  sources, in order to sort them, or to get  an additional level of certification for a special copy job, when customer
  specifications impose it on you).

Hardware product implements following features:
- 8 hubs with 35 ports per tower (It's possible to use from 1 to 4 towers simultaneously)
- All these hubs are totally independent one of the others offering more reliability
- Every Hub has Power On and In Use indicator lights
- Every connected media on one hub has an In Use indicator light
- Every Hub is auto powered, enabling you to use USB Keys or Memory Cards with a very high level of electrical
  power consumption (250 watts power supply)
- USB 1.1 and 2.0 compatibility (1.0 not tested)
- 2 m (6,56 ft) USB extension cord, allowing to connect DupliMemory far enough of  the PC or the Macintosh,
  and within hand reach for comfortable insertion and removal of  USB Keys or Memory Cards
- Including one Fast USB PCI card, with 360Mb/min transfert rate.
  Card to be inserted in PC or Macintosh, in order to connect every DUPLIMEMORY.
This efficient set will allow you to get a very fast profitability on your investment and to save a lot of time in
USB Keys  or Memory Cards duplication. No market competitor, today !
Does only work with connected towers and with our PCI USB card. On PC
Boot Disk necessarly in NTFS format, under Windows XP
Compatible with Mac OS X, as well.

Non exhaustive visual listing of memory types you can duplicate with or without adaptor


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Floppy Disk - Compact Flash - Memory Card Duplicator

4-8-16-24-32 Slaves


DupliFlopMemory 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32
are floppy Disks duplicators.
In addition, they copy FlashRom Memory Cards such as:
3,3 V SmartMedia Card,
Memory Card, Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro,
SecureDigital SD, Multimedia Card,
Compact Flash CF type I & II, MicroDrive.
They can copy files and folders in a multitasks environment.
Macintosh (Mac OS X 10) and Windows XP NTFS compatible.

Software product offers following features:
- Duplicating from 8 to 32 Floppy Disks or Memory Cards simultaneously (according to configuration) and copying 
   from 32 MB to 2 GB of data
- Multitasks duplication for all Floppy Disks or FlashRom Memory Cards
- Audio signal at the end of copy
- Selecting file or folder through dialog or Drag&Drop
- Selecting a folder itself with its content, or only items inside this folder,
- Adding items in a media without deleting previous content (folders or files)
- Checking 8 to 32 mounted medias and their content
- Managing copy series, with number of medias to be copied and number of duplicated medias
- Complete errors management: the sofware immediately displays error code when:
   a/ One or several Floppy Disks or Memory Cards become unavailable (untimely unmounted, bad connection, 
       hardware failure, power cut) during copy job
   b/ One or several Floppy Disks or Memory Cards are write-protected by a Lock switch
   c/ One or several Floppy Disks or Memory Cards are full (no more space availlable), or files with same name already

- Flashing the blinking LED of one or several Floppy Disks or Memory Cards, for example to find which one is in failure,
- Very fast copy on the Memory Cards,
- Possibility to compare duplicated Floppy Disks or Memories ((if you accidentally duplicated several medias with
  different sources, in order to sort them, or to get  an additional level of certification for a special copy job, when customer
  specifications impose it on you).

Hardware product implements following features:
- 8 hubs with 3 ports per tower (It's possible to use from 1 to 4 towers simultaneously)
- All these hubs are totally independent one of the others offering more reliability
- Every Hub has Power On and In Use indicator lights
- Every connected media on one hub has an In Use indicator light

- Every Hub is auto powered, enabling you to use Floppy Disks or Memory Cards with a very high level of electrical
  power consummation (250 watts power supply)
- USB 1.1 and 2.0 compatibility (1.0 not tested)
- 2 m (6,56 ft) USB extension cord, allowing to connect DupliFlopMemory far enough of  the PC or the Macintosh,
  and within hand reach for comfortable insertion and removal of Floppy Disks or Memory Cards
- Including one Fast USB PCI card, with 360Mb/min transfert rate.
  Card to be inserted in PC or Macintosh, in order to connect every DUPLIMEMORY.
This efficient set will allow you to get a very fast profitability on your investment and to save a lot of time in
Floppy Disks or Memory Cards duplication. No market competitor, today !
Does only work with connected towers and with our PCI USB card. On PC
Boot Disk necessarly in NTFS format, under Windows XP.
Compatible with Mac OS X, as well.
Uses only pre-formatted Floppy Disks.

Non exhaustive visual listing of memory types you can duplicate with or without adaptor.


Ulteriori Informazioni                       home.gif (6807 byte)